The following table contains the key Average Weekly Earnings figures for the May 2016 reference period.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Average Weekly Earnings survey is designed to measure the level of average earnings in Australia at a point in time. Movements in average weekly earnings can be affected by changes in both the level of earnings per employee and in the composition of the labour force. Factors which can contribute to compositional change include variations in the proportion of full-time, part-time, casual and junior employees; variations in the occupational distribution within and across industries; and variations in the distribution of employment between industries.
Table 1: Average Weekly Earnings, Key Figures, Australia, May 2016 |
 |  | May 2016 | May 2015 to May 2016 |
 |  | $ | % change |
Trend(a) |  |  |
 | Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings | 1 516.00 | 2.1 |
 | Full-time adult average weekly total earnings | 1 575.40 | 1.9 |
 | All employees average weekly total earnings | 1 160.20 | 2.1 |
Original |  |  |
 | Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings | 1 516.00 | 2.2 |
 | Full-time adult average weekly total earnings | 1 573.30 | 2.1 |
 | All employees average weekly total earnings | 1 160.90 | 2.1 |
(a) For further information regarding Trend estimates, please refer to paragraphs 62 to 68 of Explanatory Notes. |
In the twelve months to May 2016, Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings increased by 2.1% to $1,516.00.
The Full-Time Adult Average Weekly Total Earnings in May 2016 was $1,575.40, a rise of 1.9% from the same time last year.
To access the time series spreadsheets related to the measures presented above, please refer to the to the downloads tab at the top of the page.
ISSUE | Release Date |
November 2016
May 2017 | 23 February 2017
17 August 2017 |
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